Skills support for ADD/ADHD

You may want to engage with a counsellor if

Ordinary tasks are difficult to complete or leave you or your child with a sense of failure because of difficulties in managing ADD/ADHD


Living with and parenting ADD/ADHD

ADD and ADHD are much better understood nowadays. It is widely accepted that these are atypical conditions of the brain which leave a person struggling to remain focussed, maintain multi-levelled thinking and other experiences. It is commonly understood that a diagnosis of ADD or ADHD doesn't mean that a person cannot be successful. Often what helps is learning new skills and practicing them to master difficult tasks.

With a lack of support, a person with ADD/ADHD or their family may struggle to communicate their struggles. It often leads to children or adults have extremely low self-confidence because they seemingly fail at life. This may apply to parents of children with ADD/ADHD.


For parents

A parent's role is characterised by supporting their children's successful development in life. When a child does not follow the typical path in life, a parent may feel out of their depths, or even like failures. This is not uncommon.

Counselling will afford a parent a safe space to be honest about their experience with ADD/ADHD in the home. This opportunity to be honest without judgement can in itself relieve stress. But, also useful is talking through how to support your child in a way that helps create a fruitful life. This may not be found in typical parenting materials.

Building a supportive lifestyle for your child may require new strategies and other changes to life or parenting that may help build necessary skills in your child.


For a diagnosed individual

Counselling can be a useful space to be honest about how you feel and struggles that may envelope your life. It may be a useful space to process your diagnosis.

Beyond having a safe, non-judgemental space to speak freely, counselling offers the opportunity to develop skills that may help you to manage how you feel, the struggles you encounter in daily life, and ways to build a mental outlook of peace and fruitfulness.

Useful skills may include:

  • Building self-esteem
  • Working on prioritising skills
  • Developing goal strategies
  • Eliminating negative self-talk
  • Decision making training
  • More information on:

    After reading about the services, you may have questions on the following. Click below to find out more.

    The ASCHP

    Registration with the association


    What is wellness in the counselling setting

    Wellness counselling

    What is a specialist wellness counsellor


    If you need a space to talk, to navigate some area or issue in life, contact us for a short chat to determine whether we are a counselling match.

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